It's a wrap - Hagen Scaffolding Forum 2023


It’s a wrap – Hagen Scaffolding Forum 2023

From 26th to 29th April it was finally time again for THE scaffolding event. The Hagen Scaffolding Forum is not only a meeting place for the industry and a showcase for the latest innovations, but above all a place to catch up with old colleagues and friends, good food, drinks and very special live acts! And what no Hagen Scaffolding Forum should be without is a suitable motto. So, our team had come up with a very special theme for Hagen Scaffolding Forum 2023:

Great Western Trail – Journey of Possibilities

And it was precisely these new possibilities that we wanted to discover together with our visitors and scaffolding professionals at the Forum. True to our corporate philosophy "STRONGER. TOGETHER."


4000 registrations - every second scaffolding company!

The postmarks on the Forum invitations had barely dried when the first registrations started pouring in - and in the end there were more than 4,000 of them. That is every second scaffolding company in Germany! But also international scaffolding professionals, e.g. from Switzerland, the Netherlands, Slovakia or Spain, travelled to Hagen to take part in the scaffolding event of the year.

Months in advance, the Scafom-rux Germany team was in full swing with preparations for the Forum. Highly motivated and with great attention to detail, they transformed our Warehouse 3 into the western town of Pioneer Creek. Some of the planning, tinkering and building went on until late in the evening.

At 9.30am on 26 April, the time had finally come: the first guests of this year's Hagen Scaffolding Forum entered the General Store of Pioneer Creek. A quick check-in, the name tag pinned to the lapel and off they went into the Wild West. In front of our guests was a bustling main street, complete with saloon, sheriff's office and gold diggers' tunnel.


More than 50 product innovations by Scafom-rux

Past the food stations with finest Wild West BBQ, the exhibition stands of exciting partners and the big stage, our Forum guests soon reached the specially set up lecture and exhibition area. Here, expert presentations, live demonstrations of our scaffolding systems and more than 50 selected product innovations for professional scaffolding awaited them. 21 of them were demonstrated live and evaluated directly by the scaffolding professionals present by means of questionnaires.


SUPER RS – the best out of construction and modular scaffolding

With TRBS-2121 in mind, our new SUPER RS modular facade scaffolding system was in the spotlight. The integrated advanced side protection enables safe and fast scaffold assembly in accordance with TRBS-2121. The big advantage: SUPER RS is compatible with all scaffolding systems from well-known manufacturers. This means that you can continue to use the scaffolding components you already have in stock.


Scaffolding solutions with folding mechanism

Another big topic: scaffolding solutions with folding mechanism. Two new products from Scafom-rux stood out here: the XGR1 folding guardrail and the RINGSCAFF Sky suspended scaffolding system.

XGR1 expandable guardrail

The TRBS 2121-compliant XGR1 expandable guardrail can be installed in existing scaffolding systems and replaces the usual guardrail. With a simple folding motion, XGR1 is installed from the scaffold level below and can remain in the scaffold for the entire standing time.


RINGSCAFF Sky suspended scaffolding system

Similar principle with the RINGSCAFF Sky suspended scaffolding system, only in the horizontal direction. With just three new RINGSCAFF components, platforms suspended under bridges, for example, can be extended step by step from a secured position. To do this, the lattice girders attached to special joints are folded out and fitted with scaffold decks. This has the great advantage of eliminating the need for risky climbing during assembly.


Would you like to test Scafom-rux innovations such as SUPER RS? Many of our new scaffolding products can be rented directly from us. Click here to get in touch with our scaffold rental experts.

Wild West entertainment at its best

In its 30 years of existence, the Hagen Scaffolding Forum become a constant in the scaffolding industry. This is not least due to the fact that it is more than just an in-house exhibition. In addition to the professional exchange of experience, the fun factor for our guests is also on the agenda at every Scaffolding Forum. ‘Dancing Barber’, archery, fire shows, photo box, mine blasting - there was plenty of entertainment on offer.

The Hagen Scaffolding Forum also means trying things out for yourself. The SpanSet safety harness could therefore be tested on site.

Without a doubt, the three selected concerts on Friday and Saturday evening were among the show highlights. And that with a true world premiere: German Schlager music star, Olaf Hennig, performed his scaffolder song written especially for the Hagen Scaffolding Forum. Not listened to it yet? Click here to go to the scaffolder song.

In the meantime, everyone has left Pioneer Creek and the once burstling western town is back to being a normal warehouse. Time for us to say a big thank you to all our visitors and partners for 4 extraordinary days! The Hagen Scaffolding Forum 2023 is sure to be long remembered by us all. Now it's time for us to take the knowledge we've gained from the event and use it to provide you with scaffolding products that make a real difference in your day-to-day work.

Click here for our video recap of the Hagen Scaffolding Forum 2023.

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