How to assemble a scaffold inside an LNG carrier? - Project example [Part 2]


How to solve the complex challenges when assembling a working platform inside an LNG-tank?

In last week’s post, we introduced you to the challenges the team of Scafom-rux’ client GABADI S.L. faced when assigned with the task of replacing the entire membrane of a 215-meter-long LNG-carrier. A working platform made of 800 tonnes of RINGSCAFF material had to be erected inside the tank for this purpose. Find out here how the scaffolders dealt with the difficult material supply, the octagonal shape of the tank and the sensitive membrane material, and what special role rented material played in the process.

Minute planning and preparation were the key to success

A total of 50 team members erected the work platform encompassing the entire tank within two weeks, with 20 people alone responsible for the material supply. This had to be planned and prepared particularly carefully, as it could only be done through a round opening in the ceiling of the tank. Because of this difficult transport of the scaffolding material into the interior of the tank, it was provided by the manufacturer in several deliveries adapted to the order of the scaffold assembly. Using a crane, the scaffolding material was thus transported step by step into the interior of the tank and installed there.

After setting up the working platform made of RINGSCAFF material, the old membrane layers could be removed, shredded and transported out of the tank by crane. After that, first the outer membrane was replaced, then the insulation boxes made of plywood were screwed onto it and finally the Invar panels of the inner membrane were attached and precisely welded with automatic welding equipment.


Rented special parts were the cost-effective solution for coping with the shape of the tank

For these work steps, the working platform had to be particularly close to the tank’s walls. Since the membrane tank is typically octagonal in shape, conventional scaffolding would not reach close enough to the wall without losing its stability.

Being as close to the tank’s walls as possible could only be achieved by extending the work surface with brackets. To ensure that the work could be carried out with as few barriers as possible, GABADI used over 1,500 telescopic brackets without spigots for the standards. The plus: these special parts were also provided by Scafom-rux as rented material and could be returned at the end of the project.



Time-savings thanks to guided loading of the scaffolding material for the return transport

The membrane renewal was successfully completed within 6 months with a total of 120 people involved in this complex project. Within 10 days, the RINGSCAFF working platform was dismantled, whereby a lot of time was saved by the fact that a Scafom-rux yard employee guided the GABADI team in the efficient loading of the material for the return transport. After dismantling the working platform, the outer invar membrane layer could also be applied to the bottom and lower side wall of the tank, which had previously been left out to prevent the material from being damaged by the load.

Do you have any questions about the project, or the products used? Feel free to contact us using the contact details below or watch our project video:


Contact Details

Polígono Industrial Río do Pozo
Avd. Xesús Fernández Pita, 53 – 15578 Narón – A Coruña
Tel. [+34] 981 39 73 01
Fax: [+34] 981 39 72 95

Scafom-rux España
Avda pirineos nº7, oficina 1-10
28703 San sebastián de los reyes
Madrid - España
Tel.:  +34 916 520 988


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